Who We Are

Who We Are

"highly skilled professional team with long expertise in handling subsurface and surface engineering challenges"

Our team members have delivered field studies in the majority of the petroleum provinces of the world, covering a comprehensive range of reservoir types, structural styles and depositional environments (from classic sandstone to complex carbonate reservoirs).

Our Strengths

The competencies and combination of capabilities within our organization are developed in a way to perfectly match with the needs of our clients. By introducing optimized workflow, we enhance the quality of the services and assure the compliance of the outputs with standards. Our access to the leading-edge technologies enables us to solve more complex problems while utilizing existing technologies as much as possible.

We are available for our clients when and where they need our expertise. By taking an integrated engineering approach (through multi-domain expertise, consisting of surface and subsurface engineering), we establish robust, but not overly-conservative production profile upon which the engineering can be based. In doing so, the impacts of the data on the facility design and operation will carefully be considered.

Our services are provided based on transparency and collaboration between our team and client to achieve a perfect environment where every decision is directly supported by the data.

Our work in NAED is not constrained by the conventional software designed for one particular workflow and we develop in-house scripts and software to better address the need of each individual projects. In this way, we move faster towards common goals with higher accuracy.

We are beside our clients across the entire oil and gas value chain. We assist them to identify and manage risk and uncertainty, and improve performance.

Our team has gained experiences across the globe

Our team has gained experiences across the globe

NAED has built a strong, competent and growing team of professionals, with international work experience, to meet our client’s needs and to build a track record of excellence.

Our team members have been carefully selected to build a group of strong team players with the right skill sets, wide capability with specific technical excellence and unique expertise.