Increased Oil Recovery

Most of the Iranian oil reservoirs are well into their second half of life with expected low recovery factor. Many of the wells face excess water and/or gas production problems. However, estimated high remaining oil-in-place, are still among the most important oil fields of Iran and is simultaneously a very important target for increase oil recovery (IOR/EOR).

Our expert team in NAED believes that a new look at the field development plans with more focus on increased oil recovery for these fields are quite essential, in which the most desirable drainage strategy to be addressed (considering the current state of the fields). Additional wells and their placement, surface solutions with respect to the selected plan/modification, and screening EOR techniques are other important elements to be presented as a road towards implementation of the modified field development plans and eventually increased oil recovery from the fields.

NAED provides its client with a tailor made solutions to increase oil recovery from already developed fields (i.e. brown fields) and already explored and/or developing fields (i.e. green fields). Our solutions for increased oil recovery is classified into two steps:

Fast increase oil recovery: in this category we in NAED can work on activities which lead to oil recovery increase after very short time of operation (i.e. well therapy, and facility solution). These activities are relatively cheap with low CAPEX required.

EOR screening and implementation (delayed response increase oil recovery): Time-line of an EOR projects can be up to 10 years before to observe field response of increased oil production. This is suggested to be studied in parallel to the first group of activities and usually requires high CAPEX and OPEX.