Conceptual Study and BOD of Foroozan field and transfer of gas to Bidboland refinery is awarded

Conceptual Study and Basic Design for Development of Foroozan field and transfer of gas to Bidboland refinery is awarded to Nargan Co.

Foroozan field is located in the west part of Persian Gulf and in a distance of 120 Km from Bushehr, 80 Km from Aboozar filed, 55 Km from Soroosh field, 55 Km from Farzad A field and 30 Km from Esfandiar field. The depth of water is 45 Km and the field is adjacent to Marjan filed in Saudi Arabia.

The objective of the conceptual study to determine the challenges on the existing status quo and implement technical and financial evaluation of different scenarios to determine the optimum conceptually feasible and viable solution for each of the challenges and issues in the field and update the field development plan accordingly. Also the SOW includes basic engineering and FEED for preparation of EPC packages for installation of facilities for gas transferring from Kharg Island to Bidboland Gas Refinery.

Nargan deposition of engineering knowledge throughout around 5 decades of engineering services to complex and huge oil and gas projects, and developed infrastructures has enabled us in delivering conceptual studies that are critical to the success of the projects from technical perspective.